
The limits for users.

Trade limits

Trade limits will initially be 1k and are capped by Order limits. A trade represents a singular interaction with a product, meanwhile 'Order limits' are the sum of all trades. Logically, since the sum has a maximum itself, a singular trade can never outweigh the order limit. Similarly, order limits will always stay higher than trade limits, hence both allowing & incentivizing users to trade multiple products.

We plan to set singular trades at a maximum of 5-10k on the long run.

Order limits

Order limits will initially be 5k, and may be increased to 10k afterwards, with 25k being the ultimate allowance. Both buy/sell orders can be done at the same time, but their sum cannot ever surpass the current maximum.

Deposit/Withdrawal limits

Deposits will initially be limited to 1k/user, then to 5k. Withdrawals will initially be limited to 1k/user, then to 5k.


The maximum amount being '5k' will stay for a while. Remember that 'trade' fees do not apply to deposits/withdrawals. This is only an overall observation for this section. So, even if these limits are not final, they won't be increased for magnitudes higher than up to 4-5x their current values.

Last updated